Services Provided

Individual Services

  • Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy for adults, adolescents, and children
  • Career Counseling
  • Spiritual Guidance and Direction

Treatment can be sought for DepressionBipolar DisorderAnxietyGeneralized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Panic DisordersSpecific PhobiasPost Traumatic Stress Disorder,  Stress-Management, Women's Issues, Men's Issues, Communication Problems, Life Transition Issues, Life Dissatisfaction, Addictions/Co-Dependency Issues, Eating Disorders, Sexual Issues, Attention Deficit Disorders, Grief Related Issues, Self-Esteem, Adjustment Disorders,  Sexuality, Chronic Health Issues, and others.

Couples Services

  • Pre-marital Counseling and Psychotherapy
  • Marriage and Couples Counseling and Psychotherapy
  • Relationship Problems
  • Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Childrearing Issues
  • Family Issues

Family Services

  • Family Counseling and Psychotherapy

Psycho-educational Groups:


Olive Branch Counseling Associates tiene servicios disponibles en español. Los servicios brindados son consejería individual, matrimonial, y casos de reunión familiar. Nuestra consejera disponible trabaja con individuos de todas las edades, incluyendo niños pequeños, adolescentes, y adultos. Si tienen cualquier pregunta, por favor comuníquese con nosotros vía llamada o correo electrónico. 

Clinical Supervision

Do you have a clinical position that does not offer you supervision?  You may be able to join one of our weekly group supervision sessions and receive the supervision you need to obtain your LPC or LCPC.  Call and speak with Louella at 708-633-8000 x 3 

What to Expect

You can expect to be treated with dignity and respect in our office. Everyone has a unique story to tell. At Olive Branch your story will be honored. One quality that our therapists have in common is their ability to be attentive, empathic listeners. Your initial session will include gathering some information about your personal history and your current reasons for coming into the office. You will be asked to fill out the appropriate forms if you would like us to file with your insurance company for payment. We provide this service at no charge to our clients. If you do not have insurance or if we do not currently accept your insurance, we will work hard to offer you our services at a rate you can afford using a sliding scale. After the initial information gathering is completed, you and your therapist will discuss a diagnosis, if you like, and your therapist will outline a course of treatment that is acceptable to you both. If you think it is time for you to schedule an appointment, please telephone the office (708) 633-8000. Many people say they feel better just by making the call!

To make an appointment or to ask for more information, please call (708) 633-8000.